National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

NWS Doppler Radar (WSR-88D) Example Products

NWS Doppler radar has various software algorithms which derive temporal and spatial trends in thunderstorms and other precipitating entities. Such algorithms help identify trends that may support and provide guidance into severe weather warning decision process.

In the image, supercells on March 2, 2012 are shown over Clark County, IN and northern Trimble County, KY. At the bottom is a cell trend table with statistics on a number of storms across central Kentucky and southern Indiana. Statistics are color coded depending on values and thresholds. Clicking on any statistic pops up a trend graph for a selected storm. Shown are graphs for 1) reflectivity values (upper left) where values increase to 70 dBZ (very high), 2) digital VIL (middle left) where values are high around 70, 3) probability of severe hail (POSH; lower left) where values increase to 100 pct, and 4) maximum estimated hail size (middle top) where values are around 2.5 inches (which can be a slight overestimate). Similar graphs are available for other storm elements.

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