National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Winter Storm to Track From the West Coast Across the Upper Midwest & Northeast Through this Weekend

A Pacific storm will bring strong winds, heavy rain, and mountain snow from the Sierras to Rockies on Friday. The storm will then track east through the Midwest producing heavy snow from the Dakotas to the Great Lakes on Saturday. An icy wintry mix is expected across the northern Mid-Atlantic states Saturday night. Heavy snow will likely impact the Northeast Saturday night into Sunday. Read More >

Tropical weather impacts river conditions both through heavy rainfall and due to storm surge working up coastal rivers.

Tropical Weather Forecasts

National Hurricane Center
Official tropical forecasts for the Atlantic and Eastern Pacific


More Storm Surge Information

NWS ET-Surge Model
Extra-tropical storm surge forecasting

OPC ESTOFS Surge Model
Extra-tropical storm surge forecasting

NOAA Storm Surge and Coastal Inundation
Overview of tropical and extratropical tools for storm surge forecasting

Southern Climate Impacts Planning Program SURGEDAT Catalog
Interactive maps of past storm surge events, both for the U.S. and global