National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Briefing for Wintry Precipitation February 8th - 9th

Widespread wintry precipitation late Saturday through Saturday night. Read More >

Plan & Prepare

Your Kit / Your Plan

Be Ready: Follow The “Three Steps to Safety”

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NJOEM works closely with our federal, state and local partners to prepare for virtually all hazards, natural or manmade, that could affect New Jersey's families, communities and businesses.

There are also things you can do to prepare for the unexpected and reduce the stress you may feel should an emergency arise.

For New Jersey residents, the basics of preparedness for virtually all hazards are the same. Following these steps and being ready NOW means you will be ready for virtually any disaster or crisis that may affect New Jersey.

Everyone should follow Steps One, Two and Three below. Steps Four and Five will help bring your readiness to the next level. Get started NOW, BEFORE a disaster takes place!

Step One: "Get A Kit" of Emergency Supplies

Items For Your Home:

  • Three days' supply of canned, non-perishable, ready-to-eat FOOD
  • Three days' supply of WATER (a total of three gallons per family member)
  • Battery-operated RADIO and extra batteries
  • FLASHLIGHT and extra batteries
  • One week's prescription MEDICATIONS
  • Personal TOILETRIES
  • Non-electric CAN OPENER and UTENSILS
  • SPECIAL NEEDS items:
    • INFANT care items
    • Items for ELDERLY family members
    • Items for relatives with DISABILITIES
  • Store important DOCUMENTS in a waterproof, safe location

In Case You Need To Evacuate:

  • Keep your vehicle's gas level at a minimum of half-a-tank.
  • Every family member must carry CONTACT INFORMATION:
    • All phone numbers at work, school, etc. for every family member
    • The name and number of a relative who lives out-of-state, to call in case your family gets separated.

These are the basics.

For further advice, read “Your Family Disaster Supply Kit,” available here from the American Red Cross.

(Also available in Cambodian -pdf, Chinese -pdf, Korean -pdf, Spanish -pdf, Tagalog -pdf, and Vietnamese -pdf)

You can also follow these additional tips on emergency food and water supplies.

Step Two: "Make A Plan" for Yourself, Your Family or Your Business

First, follow the easy-to-use instructions in “Your Family Emergency Plan,” available here from the American Red Cross.

If you have Disabilities or other Special Needs:

If you Do Not Own a Car or Cannot Drive:

  • Ask your County OEM or local Police Department for details on the evacuation plans for transit-dependent individuals.
  • Make plans with a neighbor who does drive.

If you have Pets:

If you want to do more: Learn what it means when Public Safety Officials order you to:

Step Three: "Stay Informed" of Possible Threats

It is important to know about the risks that may happen in your community, and to know whether an emergency is imminent or is already taking place.

Contact your local OEM or American Red Cross Chapter.

  • Ask which Types of Emergency are most likely in your area, and how to prepare for each.
  • Learn about the warning signals that will be used in your community.
  • Learn about the local radio and TV stations you should tune into for emergency alerts and official instructions.

Learn about the disaster plans for your Workplace, your children's School or Day Care Center, and Other Places where your family spends time.

Keep track of Current Weather Forecasts and Alerts with:


You and your family have now completed the steps for basic all-hazards preparedness. This should give you a level of confidence during emergencies - but never forget Step Three. Stay Informed by listening for emergency watches and warnings, or for instructions from public safety officials. By staying informed you remain a vital partner in your family's security.

To bring your preparedness to the next level, you can refer to the following steps:

Step Four: Financial Preparedness

FEMA Financial Preparedness Page - Preparing Financially for a Disaster.

Step Five: Consider Joining Citizen Corps

New Jersey Citizen Corps members are ordinary residents who provide critical support to first responders and to their fellow residents during emergencies. Undergoing Citizen Corps training is a great way to feel empowered in the event of any emergency. To learn more, click here or call 609-963-6995.

Step Six: Get Tech Ready