National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Historical Climate Data for Eugene, Oregon

Date of most recent update:   May 2024 (updated all data through Apr 2024, including minor corrections to pre-1930 temperature data)

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Eugene Station Background Data and History


Eugene Oregon Temperature Data
Period of Record: 1892 through April 2024
  1. Overview of Monthly Extremes and Normals
  2. Daily Temperature Normals and Records:
    Jan-Dec | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec 

  3. Temperature Frequency Tables
  4. Days Per Month/Year of Highs/Lows of 90, 80, and 32 degrees
  5. Heat Waves and Cold Snaps
  6. Monthly MAXIMUM Temperatures
  7. Monthly MINIMUM Temperatures
  8. Monthly MEAN Temperatures
  9. Warmest/Coldest Months/Year/Seasons
  10. Top 10 Warmest/Coldest Days and Nights
  11. Largest/Smallest Daily Temperature Climbs(from morning low to afternoon high)
  12. Largest/Smallest Daily Day to Day MAX Temperature Change
  13. MAX/MIN Temperature departures from Normal: Extremes and streaks
  14. Extreme MAX/MIN Temperatures, with Largest Spread of Year's Extremes
  15. First/Last Days to reach 70, 80, 90 and 100 deg
  16. Heating Degree Days by season/month
  17. Cooling Degree Days by season/month
  18. Freeze Data, with First/Last Freeze Dates
  19. Julian Day Converter with Leap Years


Eugene Oregon Precipitation Data
Period of Record: 1892 through April 2024
  1. Overview of Monthly Rainfall Averages and Extremes
  2. Daily Precipitation Normals and Records:
    Jan-Dec | Jan & Feb | Mar & Apr | May & Jun | Jul & Aug | Sep & Oct | Nov & Dec 

  3. Monthly and Annual Total Rainfall
  4. Wettest/Driest 5 Months/Years/Seasons
  5. Water Year Totals & Normals
  6. Top 10 Wettest days
  7. Short Term Rainfall Records 
  8. 24-Hour Rainfall Records 
  9. Most, Least and Average Days per Month with 0.01, 0.10, 0.50, 1.00 inch of rain
  10. Rainy Day Streaks with Trace, 0.01, 0.10, and 0.25, 0.50, 1, and 2 inches of rain
  11. Consecutive Days each month with 0.01, 0.10, and 0.25 inch of rain 
  12. Average Days per month with No Rain
  13. Consecutive Days each month with No Rain
  14. Days each month with No Rain, Trace, and Rain
  15. Daily Frequency of Receiving Measurable Rainfall
  16. Monthly and Seasonal Snowfall
  17. Short Term Snowfall Records and Snowiest Days
  18. Top 10 Snowiest Days, by month
  19. Days/Months with Measurable Snowfall
  20. First and Last Snow of the Season
  21. Consecutive Days with Snow
  22. Snow on Christmas Day
  23. Daily Frequency of Measurable Snow


Eugene's Fog, Pressure, Wind and Weather
  1. Overview of Extreme Pressure and Wind
  2. Barometric Pressure: Normal and Extremes
  3. Wind: Normal and Extremes
  4. Wind: Strongest Sustained and Gusts
  5. Wind: Frequency of Direction, based on time of day
  6. Wind: Frequency of Speed, based on direction/time of day
  7. Wind: Direction as compared to Weather Conditions
  8. Days with Fog, Thunderstorms and Smoke
  9. Hourly Relative Humidity Curves, by month
  10. Frequency of Weather Conditions
  11. Sky Cover Frequency
  12. OU-OSU College Football Rivalry Game Day Weather History
  13. Holiday Weather Averages/Extremes
  14. Condensed Climate Normals and Extremes