National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Heavy Rain and Flash Flooding Threat in Montana; Severe Thunderstorms in the Middle Missouri Valley

A low pressure system will bring heavy to excessive rainfall and high winds across Montana this afternoon. Heavy rainfall totals may lead to scattered flash flooding concerns. A line of showers and strong to severe thunderstorms will move into the mid Missouri Valley region this afternoon producing severe winds and isolated large hail with stronger storms. Read More >

McAlester, Oklahoma
September Climate Data (Page 1)


    |------Normals 1981-2010------| |------- Record Temperatures -------|
     Temperature   Precipitation     Hi       Lo       Hi       Lo         
Day  Mx/Mn  Mean  Day  Month  Year   Max Year Max Year Min Year Min Year   Day
 1   91/68   79   .12   .12  27.50   108 2000  70 1986  80 2011  52 1967    1
 2   90/68   79   .12   .24  27.62   108 2000  71 1974  78 1961  55 1965    2
 3   90/67   79   .13   .37  27.75   108 2000  70 1974  77 1995  51 1974    3
 4   90/67   78   .12   .49  27.87  (110)1998  66 1967  80 1998  48 2010    4
 5   89/67   78   .14   .63  28.01   102*2023  67 1967 (81)1998  51 1974    5
 6   89/66   78   .14   .77  28.15   101 1990  71 1962  77*1998  47 2011    6
 7   89/66   77   .14   .91  28.29   107 2012  69 1962  78 1970  47 2011    7
 8   88/66   77   .14  1.05  28.43    99*2016  69 1995  78 2016  48 2011    8
 9   88/65   76   .15  1.20  28.58    98 1954  71 2018  76*2016  46 2011    9
10   87/65   76   .14  1.34  28.72    99 1963  69 1966  77 1984  46 1976   10

11   87/64   76   .14  1.48  28.86   101 2000  72 1966  77 2000  48 1968   11
12   87/64   75   .15  1.63  29.01   100 1982  65 1975  75 1978  48 2022   12
13   86/64   75   .14  1.77  29.15   105 2011  63 1974  77 1978  49 1953   13
14   86/63   74   .15  1.92  29.30   102 1965  60 1989  77 1965  49 1961   14
15   85/63   74   .14  2.06  29.44   101 1980  62 1975  77 1956  47 1993   15

16   85/62   74   .13  2.19  29.57   102 1956  65 2011  76 1965  43 1979   16
17   85/62   73   .13  2.32  29.70    97 2004  67 1973  76 1965  44 1981   17
18   84/61   73   .13  2.45  29.83    98*2022  64 1971  76 2005  38 1981   18
19   84/61   72   .13  2.58  29.96    99 1954  57 1971  77 1954  40 1981   19
20   83/61   72   .12  2.70  30.08   101 1954  67 1979  79 1954  45 1971   20
21   83/60   72   .12  2.82  30.20   100 2022  63 1975  77*2017  42 1983   21
22   83/60   71   .13  2.95  30.33    97 1956  62 1972  76 1980  40 1995   22
23   82/59   71   .12  3.07  30.45    97 2000  63 1989  74*2019  38 1995   23
24   82/59   70   .13  3.20  30.58    99 2022  59 1974  76 1977  37 1989   24
25   81/59   70   .13  3.33  30.71    96 1954  59 1995  77 1977  38 1989   25

26   81/58   70   .13  3.46  30.84    95*2012 (55)1984  74*1998  39 2000   26
27   81/58   69   .13  3.59  30.97   101 1953  60 1980  76 1977  45*2000   27
28   80/57   69   .12  3.71  31.09   102 1953  59 1984  75 2019  41 1967   28
29   80/57   68   .14  3.85  31.23    98 1953  62 1984  75 2019  37 1967   29
30   80/57   68   .12  3.97  31.35    95 1998  61 1985  76 1977 (34)1984   30

     * Indicates occurrences in previous years      ( ) Monthly Extremes
September Monthly Normals 1981-2010:

Normal Max Temperature:   85.1F   Monthly Heating Degree Days:        21
Normal Min Temperature:   62.4F   Season Total Heating Degree Days:   21
Normal Mean Temperature:  73.7F   Monthly Cooling Degree Days:       284
Normal Monthly Rainfall:  3.97"   Season Total Cooling Degree Days: 1959
Normal Monthly Snowfall:   0.0"


Updated: October 23, 2023