National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
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Last Map Update: Thu, May. 16, 2024 at 9:01:38 pm MST

National Weather Service Las Vegas, NVNational Weather Service NWS Flagstaff, AZ
National Weather Service San Diego, CAZoom

National Weather Service Albuquerque, NM
National Weather Service NWS Tucson Arizona

Daily high temperatures will remain above normal through the weekend. Lower desert highs will be the mid-to-upper 90s today and become widespread 100 to 103 degree readings Friday - Sunday, peaking on Saturday. Typical springtime afternoon breeziness is expected each day. A passing disturbance today could lead to AZ high terrain showers pushing toward the lower deserts, primarily with some gusty winds with little to no rainfall accumulation. Widespread Minor HeatRisk will become widespread Moderate across the lower deserts on Friday and Saturday.
Widespread Minor HeatRisk increases to widespread Moderate across the lower deserts by Friday as temperatures continue to climb. High Temperatures of 100-103 will be common across the lower deserts Friday-Sunday, with temperatures peaking on Saturday.
High temperatures this weekend will reach into the triple digits across the region resulting in minor to moderate HeatRisk. If you are planning to be outside over the next several days, follow these tips to stay safe!


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