National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


10 Warmest July's
Lake Charles


1 85.9 2023
2 85.3 1957
t3 85.0 2015
t3 85.0 2018
5 84.9 1998
6 84.9 1948
t7 84.8 1932
t7 84.8 1995
9 84.8 2016
10 84.7 2010


10 Coolest July's
Lake Charles


1 79.6 1964
2 79.6 1911
3 79.9 1904
4 80.2 1972
5 80.3 1905
6 80.4 1940
7 80.4 1923
8 80.5 1976
9 80.7 1908
10 80.8 1903


10 Wettest July's
Lake Charles

1 20.73 1933
2 17.94 1959
3 17.83 1952
4 13.19 1979
5 13.08 2006
6 12.86 2012
7 12.72 1945
8 11.89 1910
9 11.76 1908
10 11.73 1953


10 Driest July's
Lake Charles


t1 0.48 1956
t1 0.48 1962
3 0.96 1924
4 0.97 1970
5 1.08 2015
6 1.18 1948
7 1.28 1974
8 1.69 1993
9 1.71 2013
10 1.85 1965


Warmest & Coolest represents temperature in degrees Fahrenheit
Temperature ties, if possible, have been broken by going to ten thousandths of a degree
Wettest & Driest represents rainfall in inches