National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
Climate Data

Link to Tallahassee climate charts.

Preliminary LCDs (NWS Form F-6)
Current Month's Data

Tallahassee Apalachicola Panama City NW Albany Valdosta Dothan

Learn how to interpret these reports.

Previous Months' Data

Data for previous months over the last five years can be obtained via our primary climate page at


Daily & Monthly Climate Summaries








Regional and National




Astronomical Information

  • Get Sunrise/Sunset times for Any day or for the entire year for any one of 22,000 cities and towns nationwide and for many others around the world.
  • Sunrise, Sunset and Twilight Definitions
  • Phases of the Moon
  • Equinoxes & Solstices - dates and times for 2000-2020

    Disclaimer: The U.S. Naval Observatory takes observations and generates sunrise and sunset data. The NWS is not the official custodian of records for such records and therefore, cannot certify to such facts, or authenticate such data. For information regarding sunrise and sunset tables and to obtain certified records, contact: U.S. Naval Observatory, ATTN: Code AA, 3450 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20392-5420;