National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Weather Maps 

provided by NWS Weather Prediction Center

12 Hour
Click to view latest 12-hour fronts/precip forecast
24 Hour
Click to view latest 24-hour fronts/precip forecast
36 Hour
Click to view latest 36-hour fronts/precip forecast
48 Hour
Click to view latest 48-hour fronts/precip forecast
Day 3 Fronts
Click to view latest Day 3 fronts forecast
Day 4 Fronts
Click to view latest Day 4 fronts forecast
Day 5 Fronts
Click to view latest Day 5 fronts forecast
Day 6 Fronts
Click to view latest Day 6 fronts forecast


Local Forecast Information & Current Hazards

provided by NWS Cleveland



provided by the NWS Storm Prediction Center
Day 1 Convective Outlook
Click here to view the latest Day 1 Convective Forecast

Day 1 Tornado

Probability of a tornado within 25 miles of a point. Hatched Area: 10% or greater probability of EF2 - EF5 tornadoes within 25 miles of a point

Day 1 Wind

Probability of damaging thunderstorm winds or wind gusts of 50 knots or higher within 25 miles of a point. Hatched Area: 10% or greater probability of wind gusts 65 knots or greater within 25 miles of a point.

Day 1 Hail

Probability of one inch diameter hail or larger within 25 miles of a point. Hatched Area: 10% or greater probability of two inch diameter hail or larger within 25 miles of a point.

Mesoscale Discussion
Click to view latest Mesoscale Discussion and Graphic
Day 2 Convective Outlook
Click to view latest Day 2 Convective Forecast
Day 3 Convective Outlook
Click to view latest Day 3 Convective Forecast
Days 4-8 Outlook
Click to view latest Days 4-8 Forecast


Winter Weather

provided by NWS Weather Prediction Center


National Winter Weather Forecast Suite


Day 1 Winter Weather Probabilistic Forecast
Click to view latest winter weather probabilistic forecast
Day 2 Winter Weather Probabilistic Forecast
Click to view latest 24-hour fronts/precip forecast
Day 3 Winter Weather Probabilistic Forecast
Click to view latest 36-hour fronts/precip forecast

Snowfall Forecast

provided by NWS Cleveland and surrounding NWS offices


Use the slidebar below to view the forecast snowfall in 6 hour increments.  The map will update automatically.  Use your mouse to zoom into/pan around the map.


Rainfall & Flooding

provided by NWS Weather Prediction Center

Excessive Rainfall Forecast

excessive rainfall forecast

Day 1 QPF

Day 1 quantitative precipitation forecast

Day 2 QPF

Day 2 quantitative precipitation forecast

Day 3 QPF

Day 3 quantitative precipitation forecast

Precipitation forecast

provided by NWS Cleveland and surrounding NWS offices

Use the slidebar below to view the forecast snowfall in 6 hour increments.  The map will update automatically.  Use your mouse to zoom into/pan around the map.

River Forecasts


5-day significant river flood outlook

provided by NWS Ohio River Forecast Center

 Current River Stages and Forecasts

from NWS Cleveland



Click for River Forecast Crest information





Climate Outlooks

provided by NWS Climate Prediction Center

6-10 Days Out

6-10 day temperature outlook


6-10 day precipitation outlook


8-14 Days Out

8-14 day temperature outlook


8-14 day precipitation outlook


3-Month Outlook

3-month temperature outlook 3-month precipitation Outlook

Additional Outlook Maps