National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Severe Thunderstorms in the Central U.S.; Upper Level Low Over California

Scattered severe thunderstorms are possible today across central and eastern Minnesota, Iowa, and western Wisconsin. A few tornadoes, isolated very large hail, and damaging winds may occur. An upper level low will help trigger scattered thunderstorms over portions of central and southern California today along with a few inches of snow in the central Sierra Nevadas. Read More >


Thunderstorms produced widespread heavy rain across north central Kansas into southern Nebraska the evening of September 3rd and with rain continuing through the overnight hours on September 4th, 2016. Rainfall of 3 to 6 inches were common with the greatest amounts occurring in the Plainville, KS area and city rain gauge reports ranged from 6 inches to 6.5 inches.  Some of the highest measured rainfall amounts include:

City Rain amount (inches)
Damar, KS (1NNW) 5.52
Palco, KS (4ESE) 5.10
Plainville, KS 4.45
Natoma, KS 3.28

Runoff from the rainfall caused significant flooding of lowlands, rural roads and bridges, rivers and streams.  Numerous county roads were closed and several culverts have been washed out. The North Fork of the Solomon River, the Bow Creek, the South Fork of the Solomon River, the Deer Creek, the Elm Creek, among others experienced significant river rises and flooding.  

Rainfall from the evening of September 3rd
through the morning on September 4th, 2016.
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