A large dome of high pressure will bring increasingly warmer air into the region during the next week. Highs in the upper 80s are expected by Thursday and Friday. Very little, if any rainfall is expected. The warm and dry pattern looks to continue into the extended period. Read More >
August 25-27, 2015
Grand Rapids, MI
Forecasting in the Great Lakes area poses interesting and unique challenges. The Great Lakes Operational Meteorology Workshop (GLOMW) is a workshop designed to bring forecasters of all experience levels, media partners, and academia together to address these challenges and to share knowledge, experience and techniques. Meteorologists, hydrologists, students, media and others interested in operational weather forecasting and meteorology, in and near the Great Lakes region of the United States and Canada, are encouraged to attend.
The workshop is hosted by: | |||
2015 GLOMW Agenda
Below is a listing of pdf versions of abstracts and presentations from the 2015 Great Lakes Operational Meteorology Workshop.
Click on one of the topic areas to jump to that section.
Aviation | Climate | Fire Weather | Forecast Verification | Hydrology | IDSS/Communications | Marine | Modeling | Severe | Winter Weather |
The Future of AMDAR in the National Weather Service
Gene Brusky and Rich Mamrosh, NWS Green Bay, Wisconsin
[Abstract] [Presentation]
Scale Normalization for Frequency Effects in Forecast Performance Statistics
Matthew Lorentson, NWS Green Bay, Wisconsin
[Abstract] [Presentation]
Gridded Aviation Performance and Model Blends and WFO Marquette, Michigan
Steven Fleegel and Todd Kluber, NWS Marquette, Michigan
[Abstract] [Presentation]
Southwest Airlines Operations
Rick Curtis, Southwest Airlines
[Abstract] [Presentation]
Green Bay in the Late 1880s: It Really Snowed That Much! The Winter of 1887-88.
Roy Eckberg, NWS Green Bay, Wisconsin.
Forecasting Severe Storms Seasonally.
William Marino, NWS Grand Rapids, Michigan.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
Applying Climatological Anomalies to High Impact Events.
David L. Beachler, NWS Chicago, Illinois, and Richard H. Grumm, NWS State College, Pennsylvania.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
Automated DSS - Fire Weather Products at WFO Marquette.
Keith Cooley, NWS Marquette, Michigan.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
Strengthening Michigan Fire Weather Partnerships Through Communications and Technology.
Kari Fleegel, NWS Marquette, Michigan.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
Accuracy of Frost and Freeze Forecasts for Northwestern Michigan Wine Growers.
Kevin Prince, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan.
Multi-Scale Analysis of August 11th, 2014 Metro Detroit Flash Flooding.
Saunders, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan.
Runoff Risk Advisory Forecast
Dusting Goering, North Central River Forecast Center, Chanhassen, Minnesota.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
Precipitation Forecast at the Weather Prediction Center
David Roth and Patrick C. Burke, NCEP Weather Prediction Center, College Park, Maryland.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
NWS Participation in Weather Support for the Toronto Pan American Games.
Dr. Greg Mann, Dan Miller, Judy Levan, Richard Wagenmaker.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
The Ontario Storm Prediction Centre Pan Am Games Forecasting Experience.
Ryan Rozinskis, Steve Knott, Arnold Ashton, Environment Canada.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
The 2015 Toronto Games Science Showcase: Overview and Preliminary Results.
David Sills, Environment Canada.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
The Evolution of Communications in the National Weather Service: A Brief Review of the Past and Addressing Challenges Associated with Modern Platforms.
Jared Maples, NWS Grand Rapds, Michigan.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
Social Media Messaging During Severe Weather.
Cort Scholten, Dan Cobb, NWS Grand Rapids, Michigan.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
Best Practices for Outdoor Warning Sirens.
Rob Dale, Ingham County Emergency Management, Michigan.
Digital Reporting During a Severe Weather Outbreak.
Andrew Kreitz, Mark Torregrossa, MLive.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
Anatomy of a Historical "Live Tweet" Event - The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.
Steven Fleegel, NWS Marquette, Michigan.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
Communicating Effectively in an Age of Instant Communication - It's More Difficult than You Think.
Janice Bunting, National Weather Association.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
Empowering Smart Action through Smart Communication.
Ronda Oberlin.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
Communication of Weather Threats from the NWS and Media.
Ellen Bacca, WOOD TV 8.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
Resolution Dependency of NWP Wind Depictions - Implications for Marine Forecasts.
Dr. Greg Mann, NWS Detroit, Michigan.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
A High-Resolution Atmospheric, Wave and Circulation Forecast System for the Great Lakes Region.
Andre van der Westhuysen, NCEP, et al.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
A Retrospective Look at the Great Armistice Day Storm of 190: Using Numerical Modeling to Simulate Conditions on the Great Lakes during this Fateful Storm.
Michael Dutter, NWS Marquette, Michigan.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
Operational Forecasting of Wind-Waves at the US-Canada Great Lakes for the US National Weather Service.
Jose-Henrique Alves, NCEP, NWS.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
Harmful Algal Blooms Monitoring, Modeling and Remote Sensing: Advancing Predictions of Bloom Intensity and Movement.
Tim Davis, et al., Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
Storm-Scale Ensemble Modeling at Central Michigan University.
Andrea Honor, Tim Thielke, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan.
The Labor Day 2014 Northern Michigan Tornado Event.
Matt Gillen, Bruce Smith, NWS Gaylord, Michigan.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
The July 8, 2014 Significant Severe Weather Event in Central New York and Northeast Pennsylvania Part 1: The Convective Environment, Pre-event Forecasting Challenges and Tools.
Michael Evans, NWS Binghamton, New York.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
The July 8, 2014 Significant Severe Weather Event in Central New York and Northeast Pennsylvania Part 2: Examinatino of Legacy and Dual Polarization Radar Data.
Michael Evans, Michael Juewicz, Sr., NWS Binghamton, New York.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
Using Dual Polarization Radar to Determine Supercell and QLCS Characteristics Just Prior to Torndaogenesis and Tornado Dissipation.
Michael Juewicz, Sr., Michael Evans, NWS Binghamton, New York.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
Time Evolution of Radar-Derived Rotational Velocity in Supercells: Implications for Impact-Based Warnings.
Dan Thompson, NWS Detroit, Michigan, et al.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
Impact Based Warnings Verification: Results from 2012-14.
Richard Wagenmaker, Dr. Greg Mann, NWS Detroit, Michigan.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
A Rare Winter Supercell Produces an EF1 'Snownado'.
David Sills, Marie-Eve Giguere, Environment Canada.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
An EF-Scale Re-Analysis of the Palm Sunday 1965 Tornado Outbreak in Western Lower Michigan.
Ernest Ostuno, NWS Grand Rapids, Michigan.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
The Severe Downbursts of 12 April 2014.
Ernest Ostuno, T. J. Turnage, NWS Grand Rapids, Michigan.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
A Preliminary Evaluation of Forecasting Techniques for Severe Convection in High-Shear, Low-CAPE Environments Across Northern Indiana.
Amos Dodson, NWS Northern Indiana.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
QLCS Tornados of 2014Jun30.
Todd Holsten, Evan Bently, Jeff Logsdon, NWS Northern Indiana.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
Aspects of the Rochelle-Fairdale Illinois EF-4 Tornado of April 9th, 2015.
Kevin Birk, Mark Ratzer, Kevin Donofrio, Matt Freidlein, NWS Chicago, Illinois.
The 30 June 2014 Double Derecho Event in Northern Illinois and Northwest Indiana.
Eric Lenning, Matt Fredlein, Richard Castro, NWS Chicago, Illinois and Anthony W. Lyza and Kevin R. Knupp, University of Alabama, Huntsville.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
Warning Challenges and Successes of the June 16-17, 2014 Southern Wisconsin Nocturnal QLCS Event.
J. J. Wood, Ben Herzog, NWS Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
Using an Inland Extent Forecasting Tool to Support Future Experimentation with NWS Lake-Effect Snow Warning/Advisory Polygons.
Michael L. Jurewicz Sr., NWS Binghamton, New York, and Joseph Villani, NWS Albany, New York.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
Design Considerations for Road Weather Information Systems to Detect, Measure, and Support Forecasts for Lake Effect/Enhanced Snows.
Robert D. Hart, Iteris, Inc.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
Utilizing the METRo Road Surface Model for High-Impact, Low-Accumulation Winter Events.
Amos Dodson, NWS Northern Indiana.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
The Valentine's Day "Blizzard" of 2015: Effective Communication in a High-Impact, Low-Accumulation Event.
Amos Dodson, Megan Dodson, NWS Northern Indiana.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
An Analysis of Vertical Radar Data and Precipitation Size Distributions During Winter Weather Events in Upper Michigan.
Todd Kluber, NWS Marquette, Michigan.
[Abstract] [Presentation]
The Ontario Winter Lake-effect Systems (OWLeS) Project Influences of Upwind Lakes
David A. R. Kristovich, Luke Bard, Leslie Stoecker, ISWS, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois
[Abstract] [Presentation]