National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Drought Information

The latest estimates of rainfall and comparisons to normal can be found on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service website.

Latest Information:
Click or touch each tab for updated data.

No currently valid Drought Statement

Current drought status for our area: (Graphics update every Thursday)

weekly LWX Drought Monitor

Graphics by State:

Maryland Drought StatusVirginia Drought

West Virginia DroughtDC Drought

Modeled Soil Moisture Percentiles, courtesy University of Washington: (click to enlarge)

Soil Moisture Percentiles

Streamflow Percentiles:  (graphics update daily)

Virginia StreamflowMaryland Streamflow Percentiles

Legend for USGS


Rainfall (or melted snowfall), in inches, for the next seven days: (graphic updates twice daily)
WPC 7 day rainfall

Seasonal Drought Outlook:
Seasonal Drought Outlook