National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Briefing for February 11th - 12th Winter Storm

Widespread snowfall will impact the area Tuesday afternoon through Wednesday morning. Click here for the latest weather forecast briefing on this event. Read More >

AWIPS Workstation
Picture of an AWIPS Workstation
Pictured: Meteorologist Jon O'Brien using a typical AWIPS workstation
The Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System (AWIPS) is a technologically advanced information processing, display, and telecommunications system that is the cornerstone of the National Weather Service modernization and restructuring. AWIPS is an interactive computer system that integrates all meteorological and hydrological data with satellite and radar imagery. This helps the forecaster prepare and issue more accurate and timely forecasts and warnings. A total of eight AWIPS workstations can be found throughout the office, with one located in the conference room.