National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Elevated Fire Weather Conditions in Southern California; Below Average Temperatures in the Eastern U.S.

Elevated fire weathers are expected in southern California where dry conditions and locally gusty winds will linger into Thursday. A very cold airmass remains in place across the East Coast. Snow squalls could lead to reduced visibilities and deteriorating road conditions in the Rockies beginning Thursday night. Arctic air will spread south and east from the Rockies Friday through next week. Read More >


During the afternoon of July 29th a supercell developed north of Kadoka, moved east along Interstate 90 toward Murdo, then turned southeast into Mellette and Tripp counties. The storm moved over the town of Winner, where it did extensive damage with winds exceeding 80 mph. Shortly thereafter, the storm quickly dissipated.

Supercell coming into Winner, SD
Winner, SD
Courtesy of Alan Klein
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