National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Fire Weather Concerns in Portions of the Southern Plains and the East Coast

Elevated to locally-critical fire weather conditions may develop across portions of the Southern Plains and Northeast into the Mid-Atlantic. Near record heat will expand from the Southern Plains into the Lower Mississippi Valley and Central Gulf Coast states into Friday. Read More >


Anchorage Weather Spotter Program

  • Virga over Chugach Mountains, Anchorage
  • Staff launch a weather balloon in Cold Bay
  • Saint Paul Island
  • Staff collecting a snow sample


Upcoming training


For more information, please see the associated Press Release.


Latest Video training





Frequently Asked Questions


  • What is a weather spotter?

Weather spotters are critical eyes-on-the-ground volunteers who identify and report severe weather to the National Weather Service. In Alaska, this              consists of reporting snowfall totals or the presence of freezing rain and ice accumulation. We encourage spotters to report any weather that is impacting their community.


  • Why are spotters needed?

Spotters provide verification of severe and hazardous weather. Due to the limited radar coverage in Alaska, our spotter reports are often the only way of confirming the type of weather occurring at the surface in a spotter's location. We use our spotter reports to aid in the forecasting and advisory process to make sure we are providing the most accurate and updated forecasts and weather advisories as possible. We also use the reports to inform the public through the media of any significant weather.


  • What do weather spotters report?

               Great question! Significant or hazardous weather in Southcentral Alaska may include:

Severe weather

  • Thunderstorms
  • Waterspouts
  • Hail
  • Winds of 40 mph or greater

Urban and/or small stream flooding

  • Roads closed due to high water
  • Roads impassible due to high water
  • Small streams overflowing their banks
  • Land slides

Winter weather

  • Freezing rain or freezing drizzle
  • Thundersnow
  • 6 inches of new snowfall in 12 hours
  • Will I get paid to be a spotter?

               No. All of our spotters are volunteers.


  • Is there any training required?

Yes. All interested Weather Spotters must first fill out the New Spotter Sign-up Form, complete the Alaska Weather Spotter Training Course, and pass the Alaska Weather Spotter Quiz. A certificate will be emailed within a week of successful course completion. Occasionally, we have the ability to provide in-person training courses. When available, in-person training courses will be advertised on this page as well as on our social media accounts.


  • How much of a time commitment would it be?

The training to become a certified Alaska Weather Spotter takes about 45 minutes to complete. Once trained, forecasters typically call our weather spotters a few times a year. We encourage our weather spotters to be proactive and call our office if they are observing hazardous weather or weather-related impacts within their communities. If you live in a more rural area, we might call more often since it can be difficult to get reports in those areas. Weather Spotters can also submit reports online as often as is convenient.


  • What geographic areas are you looking for spotters in?

Anywhere in Alaska! Some areas where weather spotters are needed the most include the Kenai Peninsula, the Susitna and Matanuska Valleys, the Copper River Basin, Southwestern Alaska, the Alaska Peninsula, and the Aleutians.


  • Will I need to buy any equipment?

 It is not necessary to have any weather instruments to be a weather spotter. Snowboards and snowsticks are helpful when reporting snowfall measurements, however, unfortunately, we cannot supply any official equipment. 


  • What is the difference between a spotter and a COOP observer?

COOP observers submit weather information such as temperature and precipitation on a daily basis, while weather spotters only report hazardous weather impacting their communities as needed, particularly during a significant weather event.


  • What information will I need to give? Will my information ever be given out?

We will need a phone number that we can call in the event we have additional questions. We also need an address or an approximate location (ex. 5 miles NE of Talkeetna) of where you are observing the hazardous weather. Your information will never be distributed. It will only be used for storm reports.


  • Is there an age requirement?

All weather spotters need to be 18 years of age or older.


  • What if I change my mind or move?

You can request to update your information or be removed from the spotter list at any time.


  • Have additional questions?

Please don't hesitate to reach out! Email our spotter focal point, Nicole Sprinkles at or our Warning Coordination Meteorologist, Aviva Braun at You can also call the Anchorage NWS office at (907) 266-5105.




sign me up!


Ready to become an Alaska certified volunteer Weather Spotter? We'd love your help! 

If you are not available to attend an in-person training course, but still would like to volunteer, please follow the steps below:


                                                                                           1.  First, please read the NOAA Privacy Act Statement

                                                                                           2.  Then, please enroll by completing the New Spotter Sign-up Form

                                                                                           3.  Next, review the Alaska Weather Spotter Training materials.

                                        A video training and quick reporting reference are also available.


                                                                                           4.  Finally, please complete the Alaska Weather Spotter Quiz


We will be in touch with you shortly!

Thanks for your interest & participation!





Updated 1/16/2023