National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

A nearly stationary warm front stretched across parts of central New York on June 14, 2015. A warm, moist airmass was in place with most areas already saturated from rains from the previous few days. Showers and thunderstorms developed and moved slowly across these areas producing very heavy rainfall. Localized flooding occurred in several locations. Below is a map showing estimated rainfall amounts based on radar and observations.  The time frame of the map was from 8 am June 14 to, 8 am June 15, 2015. Additional rainfall amounts from media, public, social media, etc.


Precipitation estimated from 8 am June 14 to 8 am June 15, 2015


Below is a radar loop from 8:00 AM EDT June 14, 2015 to 8:00 AM EDT June 15, 2015.



Below are a few photos of the flooding that occurred.  More pictures can be found on our Facebook page.


Flooding images. Flooding images
Flooding images. Flooding images.