National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Logo for the Weather Ready Nation Ambassador initiativeThe Weather Ready Nation (WRN) Ambassadors initiative is a way to develop and acknowledge the relationships between the National Weather Service and community groups, agencies, and businesses as we work together to help residents and visitors understand and prepare for extreme weather events.

WRN Ambassadors in Hawaii

What are some of the projects we've worked on with our Ambassadors?  Read short descriptions from our "Ambassadors of Excellence" selections from past years:

Here are examples of some of the information we provide to our Ambassadors to help improve awareness of upcoming weather events for employees, constituents, and customers.

  • Tropical cyclone one-pager example

Thumbnail example of a one-page summary from Tropical Storm Olivia; click for a full-size PDF versionTropical cyclones are among nature's most powerful and destructive weather systems - and it's also very difficult to determine ahead of time which areas could be impacted.  The Central Pacific Hurricane Center issues a number of text and graphical products to communicate the uncertainty and risk associated with tropical cyclones.  We also condense this information into a one-page handout designed to help WRN Ambassadors spread the word of an impending tropical cyclone to their stakeholders.

To the right is an example of a one-pager from Tropical Storm Olivia.  When a hurricane or tropical storm watch or warning is in effect for Hawaii, this one-pager is updated every six hours and distributed to WRN Ambassadors via email.

  • Impact email example

Thumbnail image of the first page of an impact email example. Click on the image to view the full email as a PDF.The impact email is a curated summary of key meteorological points, including timing, location, and impacts of hazardous events, and a summary of potential or ongoing watches and warnings.

  • Experimental content/new products under evaluation

Thumbnail image of the first page of a weekly Tropical Weather Outlook briefing example. Click on the image to view the briefing slides as a PDF.Because WRN Ambassadors are attuned to weather hazards and to take advantage of our existing relationships, there are occasions where we share new or experimental products with Ambassadors for real-life feedback.  One such evaluation product was a weekly Tropical Weather Outlook briefing that was started during 2021 and further refined during the 2022 hurricane season.

Interested in becoming a WRN Ambassador?

Any organization across all levels of government, businesses large and small, non-profit and non-governmental organizations, and academia can become a WRN Ambassador. If you have any questions, please contact