Precipitation Observers Needed
Observers are needed in many counties throughout West Texas. Ideally, in order to get the spatial resolution desired, we need 5 observers per county, with more in populated areas. The majority of counties have far less than this. Please consider joining CoCoRaHS in order to provide critical precipitation measurements. Below is information about the program and how to join. |
What is CoCoRaHS?
CoCoRaHS is an acronym for Community Collaborative Rain, Hail, and Snow Network. CoCoRaHS is a non-profit community based network of volunteers of all ages and backgrounds working together to measure precipitation. The network originated at Colorado State University in 1988 and has expanded to many thousands of observers throughout the United States and beyond. Watch this short video for a great, quick overview of the program.
Who can participate?
This is a community project. Everyone can help. The only requirements are: 1) access to the CoCoRaHS website or the CoCoRaHS mobile app to submit your report, 2) an approved rain gauge (example below), and 3) enthusiasm for watching and reporting weather conditions, and a desire to learn more about how weather can effect our lives. The ultimate goal of the program is to have one observer per square mile in urban/suburban areas and one observer every 36 square miles in rural areas.
Once trained, volunteers collect data using tools such as a 4-inch diameter rain gauge (see picture below).
How does one join?
Visit the CoCoRaHS home page and fill out an application. All new observers in Texas are encouraged to complete the online training via the CoCoRaHS website.
Online Training
A recorded online training session for CoCoRaHS is AVAILABLE HERE.
Additional training can be FOUND HERE and HERE.
Contact Information
If you live in West Texas, especially the South Plains, Rolling Plains or the southern Texas Panhandle, you can also contact Gary Skwira, the Observing Program Leader (OPL) at National Weather Service Office in Lubbock, Texas.
Gary's email is: