National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Eastern Storm Bringing Impacts from Excessive Rainfall, Severe Thunderstorms, and Winter Weather This Weekend

A winter storm is moving across the eastern U.S. this weekend. Significant flash flooding is ongoing associated from very heavy rainfall over parts of Tennessee and Kentucky. Further south, severe thunderstorms may bring damaging winds and tornadoes later today over the lower Mississippi River Valley. Heavy snow will fall over northern New York into northern New England through early Monday. Read More >

Cold Advisory For Newborn Livestock (CANL)


The CANL graphics below show the risk of cold exposure to newborn livestock. The risk is related to wind chill temperature, precipitation, and humidity, and ranges from "NONE" for no risk, to "EXTREME" for rare and particularly dangerous situations. For more information click here for the product fact sheet. The images below are each valid for a 6 hour time period out to 72 hours. Click on the images to expand and see the forecast valid time. The CANL images are updated at least twice daily at 5 am and 5 pm.

0 Hour
6 Hour
12 Hour
18 Hour
24 Hour
30 Hour
36 Hour
42 Hour
48 Hour
54 Hour


  • NONE: Wind Chill above 41 degrees
  • SLIGHT: Wind Chill less than 41 degrees for two or more hours
  • MILD: Wind Chill less than 32 degrees for two or more hours
  • MODERATE: Wind Chill less than 0 degrees for two or more hours or Wind Chill less than 36 degrees for two or more hours and .02" precipitation
  • SEVERE: Wind Chill of -9 degrees or colder for two or more hours, or wind chill of less than 34 degrees for two or more hours and .05" of precipitation
  • EXTREME: Wind Chill of -18 or colder for two or more hours, or wind chill less than 32 degrees for two or more hours and .1" of precipitation
  • For sunny conditions (Cloud cover less than 40%), reduce wind chill thresholds by 10 degrees 
  • For humid conditions (Minimum relative humidity remaining above 95%), increase wind chill thresholds by 10 degrees
  • For dry snow conditions (Maximum temperature remains less than 26F), double the precipitation thresholds for MOD-EXTREME

6-hr Liquid Equivalent Precipitation Accumulation

0 Hour
6 Hour
12 Hour
18 Hour
24 Hour
30 Hour
36 Hour
42 Hour
48 Hour
54 Hour

6-hr Maximum Sky Cover

0 Hour
6 Hour
12 Hour
18 Hour
24 Hour
30 Hour
36 Hour
42 Hour
48 Hour
54 Hour

6-hr Minimum Wind Chill

0 Hour
6 Hour
12 Hour
18 Hour
24 Hour
30 Hour
36 Hour
42 Hour
48 Hour
54 Hour

Based on our research and feedback from the ranching community, the following were identified as hazardous weather elements that increased risk of problems or death to exposed newborns:

  • Wind chill
  • Rain or Wet Snow
  • High Humidity (because it makes it more difficult to dry off the animal)
  • Combinations of these elements (such as windchill and rain) are particularly dangerous
  • Sunshine vs. Cloudy Days

The criteria used to generate the forecasts from the tab above is seen below:

  • NONE: Wind Chill above 41 degrees
  • SLIGHT: Wind Chill less than 41 degrees for 2 or more hours
  • MILD: Wind Chill less than 32 degrees for 2 or more hours
  • MODERATE: Wind Chill less than 0 degrees for 2 or more hours or Wind Chill less than 36 degrees and .02" precipitation
  • SEVERE: Wind Chill of -9 degrees or colder for two or more hours, or wind chill of less than 34 degrees and .05" of precipitation
  • EXTREME: Wind Chill of -18 or colder for two or more hours, or wind chill less than 32 degrees and .1" of precipitation
  • For sunny conditions (Cloud cover less than 40%), reduce SLIGHT-EXTREME by one category
  • For humid conditions (Minimum relative humidity's remaining above 95%), increase MOD-SEVERE by one category
  • For dry snow conditions (Maximum temperature remains less than 26F), double the precipitation thresholds for MOD-EXTREME
CANL Criteria

The CANL system was created by the NOAA/National Weather Service in Glasgow, Montana; Dr. Larry Kalkstein at the University of Miami and Dr. Katrina Frank at the University of Delaware. Dr. Kalkstein is a leading researcher on weather effects on humans (biometeorology), and Dr. Frank has a background in animal sciences and climatology (bio-climatologist). The system is designed to indicate weather conditions dangerous to newborn livestock. The criteria for this system were derived from interviews with ranchers and from published scientific research on animal health.

We are targeting livestock that are less than 24 hours old because these animals are least able to regulate their body temperature and therefore most susceptible to the cold. Also, after several hours, producers may have had a chance to get to the animal, dry it off, and provide shelter as needed.

Detailed graphics will be available on the local office websites.

Feedback is appreciated. You can provide feedback or ask questions about the system by calling Tanja Fransen at the NWS Portland office at 503-261-9246, or emailing her at Your local WFO is available as well.

This system was developed by the University of Miami and the National Weather Service in Glasgow under a sub-award with the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) under Cooperative Agreement No. # S08-68874 with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and U.S. Department of Commerce.