Charleston, WV
Weather Forecast Office
Local Weather History For January 21st...
In 1857, there was a continuation of bitter cold. It was said that temperature readings of 10 to 30
degrees below zero were common. Many rivers were frozen solid.
Daily temperature and precipitation maps covering the past 24 hours from 7 A.M. to 7 A.M. EST/EDT. Snow depth is based on measurement at 7 A.M. of the day shown. Maps are generally updated around 10:30 A.M. each day. Ranked listings by state of the individual station reports is provided on our full climate maps page at
Max Temp | Min Temp | Precip | Snowfall | Snow Depth |
Select drop-down menu for other sites and months
Huntington, WV |
Parkersburg, WV |
Clarksburg, WV |
Elkins, WV |
Beckley, WV |
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US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Charleston, WV
1754 Hendrickson Drive
South Charleston, WV 25303
(304) 356-5885
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