National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Preliminary Snowfall Totals from the January 21-22 Winter Storm

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Coastal Flood Monitor for Florida Panhandle and Florida Big Bend


This webpage depicts current water levels across selected areas of the Florida Panhandle and Florida Big Bend. Water levels appearing on this page are shown relative to the North American Vertical Datum 1988 (NAVD88). Datum conversion charts can be found on each individual gage page. For more information on datums, or how to make an adjustment to a level of your choice, please visit this website:

To see water levels within a particular county, click on the link below. Note that each gage appearing on this page has four categories used to describe general impacts during times of high water. Details on specific impacts can be found by clicking on each individual graph.



Bay_County/Gulf County Gulf/Franklin County
Wakulla County Jefferson County
Taylor County Dixie County


Action Stage Should water levels continue rising, preparations to protect property should begin
Minor Flood Minimal or no property damage. Flooding of low lying roads near the coast.
Moderate Flood Some inundation of structures and flooding roads. Evacuation of people or property to higher elevations possible
Major Flood Extensive inundation of structures in roads in the area. Evacuations of people or transfer or property to higher elevations likely.




Bay County/Gulf County

PCBF1 - Gulf of Mexico - Panama City Beach, Florida

PACF1 - Gulf of Mexico - Panama City, Florida (Marina)



Gulf County/Franklin County

APCF1 - Gulf of Mexico - Apalachicola, Florida

CTMF1 - Ochlockonee River at US 319

Wakulla and Jefferson Counties

CTMF1 - Ochlockonee River at US 319

SHPF1 - Shell Point, Florida

MRKF1 - Saint Marks River at Saint Marks, Florida

NUTF1 - Aucilla River at Nutall Rise, Florida


Taylor and Dixie Counties


NUTF1 - Aucilla River at Nutall Rise, Florida

SUWF1 - Suwannee River Entrance