National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Snow Overnight, Sat: Impacts To Travel

Snow will spread across the area overnight, continuing Saturday morning and exiting east by late afternoon. Several inches of snow are expected - with the higher amounts across northern MN into northern/central WI. There will be impacts to travel - prepare accordingly. Read More >

Christmas Climate for Rochester

A few weather facts about Christmas day in Rochester. Precipitation is recorded in inches. Snow on the ground is at 6 am.


Normal High: 25
Normal Low: 10
Record High: 53 (2023)
Record Low: -25 (2000)
Lowest High: -6 (1996)
Highest Low: 44 (2023)


Record: 0.75 (1893)
Record Snowfall 10.3 (1955)
Record Snow on the Ground 29 (2010)


Number of times with a trace or more of snowfall: 58
Number of times with measurable (over a trace) of snowfall: 28
Number of times with an inch or more of snowfall: 15
Climatological chance for a trace or more of snowfall: 54%
Climatological chance for measurable (over a trace) of snowfall: 26%
Climatological chance of an inch or more of snowfall: 14%
Number of times with a trace or more of snow on the ground: 82
Number of times with an inch or more of snow on the ground: 69
Climatological chance of a trace or more on the ground: 91%
Climatological chance of an inch or more on the ground: 77%


With a "white" Christmas generally considered an inch of snow on the ground (or an inch falling that day), Rochester has had "white" Christmases 69 times (out of 90) since 1933, or 77% of the time. The last non-white Christmas was in 2023.  The years of 1936, 1941, 1942, and 1943 were excluded from the statistics due to missing data.

Non-"white" Christmases: 1911, 1914, 1944, 1949, 1953, 1958, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1979, 1980, 1982, 1986, 1988, 1997, 2002, 2006, 2011, 2021, 2023.

Snowfall used 108 years, snow depth 90 years.