National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


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Quick Jumps:
SPC Short Term Fire Outlooks
SPC Long Term Fire Outlooks
SPC Thunderstorm Outlooks


SPC Short Term Fire Forecasts: Days 1 and 2
SPC Fire
Day 1
Day 2


Day 1 Fuel and Lightning Prob.
Day 2 Fuel and Lightning Frob.
Quick Jumps:
SPC Short Term Fire Outlooks
SPC Long Term Fire Outlooks
SPC Thunderstorm Outlooks


SPC Long Term Fire Forecasts: Days 3-8
SPC Fire
Day 3 Categorical
Day 4 Categorical
Day 5 Categorical
Day 6 Categorical
Day 7 Categorical
Day 8 Categorical


Day 3 Dry T Winds/RH
Day 4 Dry T Winds/RH
Day 5 Dry T Winds/RH
Day 6 Dry T Winds/RH
Day 7 Dry T Winds/RH
Day 8 Dry T Winds/RH
Probability of dry thunderstorms with dry fuels within 12 miles of a point denoted by scalloped lines for
  • Critical Area - 40% (blue)
  • Marginal Area - 10% (brown)
    Probability of strong winds, low RH, and warm temperatures concurrent for at least 3 hours with dry fuels within 12 miles of a point denoted by solid lines for
  • Critical Area - 70% (red)
  • Marginal Area - 40% (orange)


Quick Jumps:
SPC Short Term Fire Outlooks
SPC Long Term Fire Outlooks
SPC Thunderstorm Outlooks


SPC Thunderstorm Forecasts
Current Watches
Current MCDs
Day 1 Categorical


 Day 1 Tornado
Day 1 Hail
Day 1 Wind


Day 2 Categorical
Day 3 Categorical
Day 3 Probabilistic
Days 4-8 Probabilistic
Quick Jumps:
SPC Short Term Fire Outlooks
SPC Long Term Fire Outlooks
SPC Thunderstorm Outlooks