National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Fire Weather Planning Forecast for the State of Hawai`i


Map of Fire Weather Zones

The primary use of the daily Fire Weather Planning Forecast is for fire pre-suppression activities and planning. Issued daily at 5:30 AM HST, this product includes:

  1. Discussion including meteorological features influencing the weather statewide.
  2. Forecasts:
    1. Sky cover and weather
      Common sky cover terms
      Day Only Day or Night Predominant Sky Condition
      Cloudy Cloudy 8/8 Opaque Clouds
      Mostly Cloudy, or
      Considerable Cloudiness
      Mostly Cloudy, or
      Considerable Cloudiness
      6/8 to 7/8 Opaque Clouds
      Partly Sunny Partly Cloudy 3/8 to 5/8 Opaque Clouds
      Mostly Sunny Mostly Clear 1/8 to 2/8 Opaque Clouds
      Sunny Clear 0/8 Opaque Clouds
      Weather qualifiers for rain or thunderstorm likelihood
      Qualifying term Areal
      coverage term
      Probability of precipitation (POP)
      Slight chance (or none) Isolated (or none) 10% or less
      Slight chance Isolated 20%
      Chance Scattered 30%, 40%, 50%
      Likely Numerous 60%, 70%
      none none 80%, 90%, 100%
    2. Temperature - Forecast maximum for daytime; minimum for nighttime.
    3. Humidity - Forecast minimum relative humidity for daytime; maximum relative humidity for nighttime.
    4. Wind - Forecast direction and speed during the most hazardous part of the day, and generally at night. Maximum gusts and erratic winds and/or wind shifts will be given, where necessary.
  3. Smoke dispersal (mixing height/inversion level) and transport wind
  4. 3 to 5 day extended forecast.

Red Flag Warning - issued when meteorological and environmental conditions are expected to result in extreme fire behavior within 24 hours. Red Flag Warnings will be issued as a separate product and as a headline in the daily or amended daily Fire Weather Planning Forecast.

Spot Forecasts for Wildfires and Prescribed Burns

The spot forecast is a site-specific, localized forecast for wildfires and prescribed burns. Eye-level winds are generally preferred in the spot forecast since on-site observers will report eye level winds which will also be experienced by the on-site fire suppression team.

The spot forecast includes:

  1. Discussion of the meteorological factors affecting the particular site during the forecast period.
  2. Forecasts:
    1. Sky cover and weather at the site.
      Sky cover terms
      Day Only Day or Night Predominant Sky Condition
      Cloudy Cloudy 8/8 Opaque Clouds
      Mostly Cloudy, or
      Considerable Cloudiness
      Mostly Cloudy, or
      Considerable Cloudiness
      6/8 to 7/8 Opaque Clouds
      Partly Sunny Partly Cloudy 3/8 to 5/8 Opaque Clouds
      Mostly Sunny Mostly Clear 1/8 to 2/8 Opaque Clouds
      Sunny Clear 0/8 Opaque Clouds
      Qualifiers for rain or thunderstorm
      Qualifying term Equivalent areal
      coverage term
      probability of precipitation (POP)
      Slight chance (or none) Isolated (or none) 10% or less
      Slight chance Isolated 20%
      Chance Scattered 30%, 40%, 50%
      Likely Numerous 60%, 70%
      none none 80%, 90%, 100%
    2. Temperature - Forecast maximum for daytime, minimum for nighttime at the site.
    3. Humidity - Forecast minimum relative humidity for daytime; maximum relative humidity for nighttime at the site.
    4. Wind - Forecast direction and speed of the wind during the most hazardous part of the day, and generally at night. The time of maximum gusts and erratic winds and/or wind shifts will be given.
  3. Mixing Height (inversion level) and transport wind may be included.
  4. Outlook for the following day, or the following night and next day.