National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Heavy Rain and Flash Flooding Threat in Montana; Severe Thunderstorms in the Middle Missouri Valley

A low pressure system will bring heavy to excessive rainfall and high winds across Montana this afternoon. Heavy rainfall totals may lead to scattered flash flooding concerns. A line of showers and strong to severe thunderstorms will move into the mid Missouri Valley region this afternoon producing severe winds and isolated large hail with stronger storms. Read More >

   2014 Midland Annual Climate Summary

       Average Temperature - 65.4 F                9th Warmest year  ;     Average = 63.4 F 
       Precipitation - 7.67 Inches                              9th Driest Year on Record ;  Driest  =  4.24" 1951
       Snowfall - 0.8 Inch              Normal = 4.8 inches 
      #  Days with Snowfall - 7 Days  
    Highest Sea Level Pressure : 30.72 In -  Jan 14th   Highest:  31.04  inches on Dec 24th, 1983
    Lowest  Sea Level Pressure : 29.37 In -  April 26h   Lowest:  29.09   inches on Feb. 9, 1960
       Growing Season : 211 Days   Rank: 19th Shortest  ;   Shortest 191 days 1989
       #  Days Thunderstorms Occurred - 12 Days   Least  Ever ;  Average = 35.9 Days
       #  Days Severe Thunderstorms - 2 Days   March 15th Gust 60 mph ;  June 18th Gust 64 mph
       #  Days Hail Occurred -  0 Days   
       #  Days with Fog - 67 Days  Fog - Prevailing Visibility reduced to 6 miles or less
       #  Days with Dense Fog - 12 Days  Dense Fog -  Visibility 1/4 mile or less; Avg: 15 day
       #  Days with Freezing Fog - 6 Days  Freezing Fog -  Visibility 1/2 mile or less
       #  Days with Freezing Rain/Drizzle - 4 Days  
       #  Days with Blowing dust  -  20 Days  
       #  Days 90 F - 117 Days                             Rank: 23rd Highest  ;  Highest = 151 Days 2011
      Longest Consecutive Days 90 F - 33,  12 Days         Record: 92 Days: May 19th - August 18th 1953
       #  Days 100 F - 20 Days                         Rank: 27th ;  Highest ;  Normal = 14.41 Days
       Longest Consecutive Days 100 F - 3 Days        Record: 14 Days 1998 and 2011
       #  Days 105 F - 2 Days                                     Record : 18 days in 2011
       Longest Consecutive Days 105 F - 1 Day    Record : 9 Days in 2012
       #  Days Max  32 F or less - 6 Days    Record : 11 Days in 1985
       #  Days Min   32 F or less - 55   Days    Rank: 60th Most
       Consecutive Mins 32 F or less - 16, 8, 5, Days    16 Days: Dec 30th 2014 - Jan 14 2015 ; Rank 15th
       #  Days Min 20 F or Less - 13 Days    Rank: 18th Most ;  Average = 8.66 Days
       #  Days Consecutive Min 20 F or less - 3 Days    Comparison: 5 Days is ranked 10th Most
       #  Days Max  20 F or less -  0 Days  
       First Freeze :  November 26th -  26 F    Average First  Freeze: November 13th
       First Moderate Freeze: November 26th - 26 F    Average First Moderate Freeze - November 24th
       First Severe Freeze:     November 13th   - 24 F    Average First Severe Freeze - December 4th
       Last Freeze :  April 15th  - 30 F    5th Latest Freeze ; Average Last Freeze : 3/29
       Last Moderate Freeze:  March 4th  - 26 F    Average Last Moderate Freeze - March 19th
       Last Severe Freeze:     March 3rd - 18 F    Average Last Severe Freeze - March 2nd
       # Days Minimum 5 F or less - 0 Days  
       Most Consecutive Dry Days - 43, 25, 16, 14,    81 Days: Ranked 1st
       Most Consecutive Days Trace or Dry - 43, 38      75 Days: Ranked 10th Most  
       Most Consecutive Days Trace or more Pcp 5, 4    Record: 14 days 1995, 1986
       Most Consecutive Days .01 or more Pcp -  5, 3     Ranked 16th Most ;  Record 11 Days 1986    
       Most Consecutive Days T or more Snowfall -  2    February 10th -11th Trace ; Record 7 Days 1949   
       Most Consecutive Days .1 or more Snowfall - 1    Record: 4 Days 2011 and Previous Years
       4 Record or tie Warm Daily Max Temperature   
       3 Record or tie Cold Daily Max Temperature   
       9 Record or tie Warm Minimum Temperatures   
       2 Record or tie Cold Minimum Temperatures   
       1 Daily Precipitation Record    April 19:  0.45 "
       Driest January - 0.0 Inch    Tied with Jan 1967.  Average January Pcpn - 0.56
       4th Warmest October  - 69.1 F    Warmest  October 71.1 F  1963
       7th Warmest December - 49.1 F    Warmest December -  50.7 F  in 1970
       8th Warmest Summer  - 83.4 F      Warmest Summer : 87.6 F  2011