Marine, Tropical and Tsunami Services Branch
National Program
The National Weather Service uses historic AIS to assess ship avoidance practices during hazardous weather and weather warnings. This work has expanded to include the integration of real-time weather and vessel positions. NOAA uses AIS data to monitor and analyze fishing activity, improve marine mammal protection, and prioritize charting and surveying activities based on measured traffic volumes.
In early 2019, NOAA began working on a pilot project which will utilize AIS to transmit automated weather observations from ships. The objective is to expand observations and improve the quality of weather forecasts. NOAA also hopes to push environmental data out to ships along the coast via AIS to promote safe navigation.
Overview of AIS
US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Marine, Tropical and Tsunami Services Branch
1325 East-West Hwy, 13th floor
Communications Office
Silver Spring, MD 20910
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