Seattle, WA
Center Weather Service Unit
This page will estimate the worst/most significant value from various MOS and BUFKIT data (selectable) for the selected station. This will include the observations (:53 previous hour to :52 indicated hour) if selected (added May 2022). The background color corresponds to the worst/most significant value, with the top/bottom border corresponding to each model. The ceiling and cloud base, along with wind speed and gust, may not match logically since each parameter is not necessarily available for each model. The wind direction, speed, and gust are for the surface, and the wind direction corresponds to the strongest wind speed. The cross/tail/headwind are only calculated if a runway is specified. The Low-Level Wind is the highest BUFKIT speed below 5000ft AGL. Lowest Freezing Level is ft AGL. The temperature and dew point use the average of the available models (with BUFKIT 2m values). Precip Type is based on the MOS precip types (most likely value and separate>35%) and the BUFKIT precip types (separate values). For MOS ranges of values, the worst/most significant value in the range is used. Hovering over boxes will display model data. Clicking on the parameter on the left of each row will display a graph below (except for Precip Type). Note that not all models have data available for all parameters and times. Selecting 60 hours will enable horizontal scrolling of the table. This is only meant as a quick check for situational awareness and not to replace the various model data.
US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Seattle, WA
3101 Auburn Way South
Auburn, WA 98092
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