National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

TO:       Subscribers: Emergency Management Officials…News Media…and Other Users

SUBJECT:  River Forecast Services for the Nimishillen Creek in North Industry Ohio will be modified effective July 10, 2017.                    


Effective Thursday Monday July 10, 2017 the National Weather Service will change the official flood stage at the Nimishillen official forecast point at North Industry. The minor, moderate, and major flood stages will be changed from the current stages of 9.0, 10.0, 12.0 feet respectively to 10.0, 12.0, and 13.0 feet.Map of Gauge Location in North Industry Ohio

Minor flooding is defined as the point at which property is inundated or a flooded roads cut off  emergency access. Moderate flooding is considered the stage at which numerous roads are threatened or a few low lying properties become inundation. Major flood stage is considered the point where flood waters cause major property damage or extreme threat to life.  Based on the impacts associated with specific river stages, it is recommended that the minor flood stage be raised to 10.0 feet, moderate flood stage to 12.0 feet, and the major flood stage to 13.0 feet.

It is necessary for the National Weather Service to periodically update flood stages at river forecast points as changes, both natural and manmade, occur over a watershed. These updates are needed to ensure the best quality river forecasts and resulting warnings to local communities. The NWS, Ohio River Forecast Center (OHRFC), and Local and County Officials have supported the above corrections.


The data and forecasts for is site can be found at:

The data for these sites are provided by our partner the USGS. Without this critical data forecasts and warnings would not be possible.

The USGS website is : HTTP://OH.WATER.USGS.GOV


For further information regarding this change please contact


Sarah Jamison

Senior Service Hydrologist

National Weather Service

Cleveland Ohio