National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Brief Summary:
(see tabs below for much more, including full narrative and graphics!)

November 2018 was highlighted by slightly-below average total precipitation (in most areas), but above-average snowfall, particularly within counties along and south of Interstate 80 (including north central KS). Temperature-wise, it was a modestly colder-than-average month, with most locations between 3-5º below normal. (See full narrative below for much more detail!)

NOTE: Information in this story is exclusively for the 30-county NWS Hastings Coverage Area

November 2018 Precipitation   November 2018 Snowfall


2018 Nebraska Cooperative Observer Precipitation Tables (around 45 sites)
2018 Kansas Cooperative Observer Precipitation Tables (around 17 sites)

2017 Nebraska Cooperative Observer Precipitation Tables (around 45 sites)
2017 Kansas Cooperative Observer Precipitation Tables (around 17 sites)

Archived Precipitation Tables And Monthly Climate Stories

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