Chicago, IL
Weather Forecast Office
Last Updated: 8/25/2023
Temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit) | |
Highest Temperature | 105 degrees on July 24, 1934 |
Lowest Temperature | -27 degrees on January 20, 1985 |
Warmest Month | 81.3 degrees in July 1955 |
Coldest Month | 10.1 degrees in January 1977 |
Warmest Season | 76.7 degrees in Summer of 2020 |
Coldest Season | 18.3 degrees in Winter of 1903-04 |
Warmest Year | 54.5 degrees in 2012 |
Coldest Year | 45.1 degrees in 1875 |
Highest Heat Index |
Hourly observations only: 118 degrees on July 13, 1995 and August 24, 2023 Including intra-hour observations (since 1996): 120 degrees on August 24, 2023 |
Lowest Relative Humidity | 12% on April 20, 2019 |
Highest Dew Point | 83 degrees on July 30, 1999 |
Lowest Dew Point | -40 degrees on January 20, 1985 |
Precipitation (in inches) | |
Wettest Year | 50.86 in 2008 |
Driest Year | 22.22 in 1962 |
Wettest Season | 23.48 Summer (Jun – Aug) of 1987 |
Driest Season | 1.60 Winter (Dec – Feb) of 2002 - 2003 |
Wettest Month | 17.10 in August 1987 |
Driest Month | 0.01 in September 1979 |
Greatest in 24 Hours | 9.35 on August 13th-14th 1987 |
Greatest Calendar Day | 6.86 on July 23, 2011 |
Snowfall (in inches) | |
Seasonal (Jul – Jun) Greatest | 89.7 in 1978 - 1979 |
Seasonal (Jul – Jun) Least | 9.8 in 1920 - 1921 |
Winter (Dec – Feb) Greatest | 80.6 in 1978 – 1979 |
Winter (Dec – Feb) Least | 5.7 in 1930 - 1931 |
Greatest Total: | |
Month | 42.5 in January, 1918 |
Storm | 23.0 on January 26 – 27, 1967 |
24 Hours | 20.0 on February 1-2, 2011 |
Calendar Day | 18.6 on January 2, 1999 |
Snow Depth | 29 inches on January 14, 1979 |
Pressure (in inches of Mercury) | |
Highest | 30.98 on Feb 16, 1989 |
Lowest | 28.70 on March 12, 1923 |
Wind (in mph) | |
Highest Gust | 87 on February 12, 1894 |
Coldest Wind Chill | -82 on December 24, 1983 |
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Chicago, IL
250 George J Michas Dr.
Romeoville, IL 60446
815-834-1435 8am-8pm
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