National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

The graphics shown in this section are Multisensor Precipitation Estimates, otherwise known as MPE data, The multisensors involved at this time are radar and precipitation gages. In the future, satellite estimates may also be incorporated.

MPE is a gridded field, computed hourly. We currently quality control the past 24 hours of data each morning. MPE is currently used to verify precipitation forecasts, and to help initialize the national meteorological forecast models.

MPE is typically available for initial viewing at 40 minutes after the hour.

When using MPE data, it is important to remember it is vulnerable to the same inaccuracies that can be caused by either radar or precipitation gages. For radar, problems would be: freezing or frozen precipitation, low topped convection, bright banding, the reflectivity/rainfall relationship in use, calibration of the radar, radar location and elevation, range degradation, and the radar's effective coverage. For precipitation gages, problems come from freezing precipitation, windy conditions, gage siting, undermeasurement by tipping bucket gages in high intensity rainfall, and gage maintenance.

For more information on how MPE is calculated, or to provide feedback on MPE in general, please contact the MARFC webmaster.

With County Boundaries
Hourly Images Accumulations Loops
February 16 at 02:00 AM EST
February 16 at 01:00 AM EST
February 16 at 12:00 AM EST
February 15 at 11:00 PM EST
February 15 at 10:00 PM EST
February 15 at 09:00 PM EST
February 15 at 08:00 PM EST
February 15 at 07:00 PM EST
February 15 at 06:00 PM EST
February 15 at 05:00 PM EST
February 15 at 04:00 PM EST
February 15 at 03:00 PM EST
February 15 at 02:00 PM EST
February 15 at 01:00 PM EST
February 15 at 12:00 PM EST
February 15 at 11:00 AM EST
February 15 at 10:00 AM EST
February 15 at 09:00 AM EST
February 15 at 08:00 AM EST
February 15 at 07:00 AM EST
February 15 at 06:00 AM EST
February 15 at 05:00 AM EST
February 15 at 04:00 AM EST
February 15 at 03:00 AM EST

24 hour total on February 15 at 7 AM EST
24 hour total on February 14 at 7 AM EST
24 hour total on February 13 at 7 AM EST
24 hour total on February 12 at 7 AM EST
24 hour total on February 11 at 7 AM EST

6 hour total ending at February 15 at 01:00 PM EST
12 hour total ending at February 15 at 07:00 PM EST
18 hour total ending at February 16 at 01:00 AM EST
24 hour total ending at February 16 at 01:00 AM EST

6 hour total ending at February 15 at 01:00 PM EST
12 hour total ending at February 15 at 07:00 PM EST
18 hour total ending at February 16 at 01:00 AM EST

Current 6, 12, 24, 48, and 72 Hour Totals
Past 6 hour total
Past 12 hour total
Past 24 hour total
Past 48 hour total
Past 72 hour total

Past 6 hour loop
Past 24 hour loop

With Basin Boundaries
Hourly Images Accumulations Loops
February 16 at 02:00 AM EST
February 16 at 01:00 AM EST
February 16 at 12:00 AM EST
February 15 at 11:00 PM EST
February 15 at 10:00 PM EST
February 15 at 09:00 PM EST
February 15 at 08:00 PM EST
February 15 at 07:00 PM EST
February 15 at 06:00 PM EST
February 15 at 05:00 PM EST
February 15 at 04:00 PM EST
February 15 at 03:00 PM EST
February 15 at 02:00 PM EST
February 15 at 01:00 PM EST
February 15 at 12:00 PM EST
February 15 at 11:00 AM EST
February 15 at 10:00 AM EST
February 15 at 09:00 AM EST
February 15 at 08:00 AM EST
February 15 at 07:00 AM EST
February 15 at 06:00 AM EST
February 15 at 05:00 AM EST
February 15 at 04:00 AM EST
February 15 at 03:00 AM EST

24 hour total on February 15 at 7 AM EST
24 hour total on February 14 at 7 AM EST
24 hour total on February 13 at 7 AM EST
24 hour total on February 12 at 7 AM EST
24 hour total on February 11 at 7 AM EST

6 hour total ending February 15 at 01:00 PM EST
12 hour total ending February 15 at 07:00 PM EST
18 hour total ending February 16 at 01:00 AM EST
24 hour total ending February 15 at 07:00 AM EST

6 hour total ending February 15 at 01:00 PM EST
12 hour total ending February 15 at 07:00 PM EST
18 hour total ending February 16 at 01:00 AM EST
24 hour total ending February 15 at 07:00 AM EST

Current 6, 12, 24, 48, and 72 Hour Totals
Past 6 hour total
Past 12 hour total
Past 24 hour total
Past 48 hour total
Past 72 hour total

Past 6 hour loop
Past 24 hour loop