[FAQs] [Printable Wind Chill Chart (pdf)] [Free Wind Chill Brochure] [Preventing & Thawing Frozen Pipes]
• To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes, pipes should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly.
Those who have in-ground sprinkler systems should cover any above-ground pipes to protect them from freezing.
• Make frequent checks on the elderly. Make sure their heaters are working and heating the house properly.
• If venturing outdoors, remember that several layers of clothes will keep you warmer than a single heavy coat. A hat is also
important, as 20 percent of body heat loss is through the head.
• Pets are also susceptible to the extreme cold. Keep pets indoors as much as possible. If this is not possible, make sure pets
which are outdoors have a warm, dry shelter. Provide sufficient food and fresh, unfrozen water.
• Use extreme care when using portable heaters: there is a danger of fire or poisonous fumes! The U.S Consumer
Product Safety Commission estimates that more than 25,000 residential fires every year are associated with the use of space
heaters, causing more than 300 deaths.
• Bring potted plants indoors. Also, if possible, cover tender vegetation outdoors.