National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Severe Thunderstorms in the Central U.S.; Upper Level Low Over California

Scattered severe thunderstorms are possible today across central and eastern Minnesota, Iowa, and western Wisconsin. A few tornadoes, isolated very large hail, and damaging winds may occur. An upper level low will help trigger scattered thunderstorms over portions of central and southern California today along with a few inches of snow in the central Sierra Nevadas. Read More >

March Tornadoes 

South Central Nebraska and North Central Kansas



Tornado Touchdowns Tornado Tracks



Tornado Descriptions (EF2 and Greater)

  • Tornado Outbreak! March 13, 1990:
    There were 59 tornadoes in the United States on this day alone, and 26 of the tornadoes were rated F2-F4.  In south central Nebraska and north central Kansas, there was one F4 tornado, four F3 tornadoes, three F2 tornadoes, and 10 F1 tornadoes.  Many of the tornadoes occurred during daylight and could be seen for miles.  Please see the link above for detailed information on the tornadoes, tracks, damage and video.

  • F2/EF2
    January 7, 1992 
    Rooks County:  A tornado touched down at approximately 5:10 pm CST and was seen by many people as it moved northward for one mile, and hit the eastern edge of Plainville, KS.  The tornado destroyed 15 mobile homes and caused other damage.
    Smith County:  A tornado touched down at approximately 6 pm CST, 6 miles north northwest of Downs, KS and tracked 18 miles to two miles northwest of Lebanon, KS.  At a farm 10.5 miles north northwest of Downs, a house was damaged and all of the outbuildings were blown away.
    January 7, 1992 
    Osborne County:  The tornado occurred in Osborne County, KS.  Little information exists on this tornado.