National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Strong to Severe Storms in the Upper Midwest; Bering Sea Low Continues to Impact Southwest Alaska

Scattered severe thunderstorms are possible Thursday across central and eastern Minnesota, Iowa, and western Wisconsin. A few tornadoes, isolated very large hail, and damaging winds may occur. In southwest Alaska, a Bering Sea low continues to cause strong winds, significant rainfall, and high seas, with further impacts expected Friday into the weekend from a North Pacific storm. Read More >

Casper Climate Summary Banner


...Highlights of 2021...

  • Annual:
    • 26th warmest year on record at 46.3 degrees, just 0.7 degrees above normal.
    • 17th wettest year with 14.52 inches, 119% of normal.
    • 7th snowiest year with 108.1 inches, 151% of normal.
    • Highest wind gust was 90 mph on March 29th.
  • Monthly Temperatures: 2nd coldest February on record. 4th warmest June (tie), 4th warmest November and 8th warmest December on record.
  • Monthly Precipitation: 1st wettest March,  8th driest May and 4th wettest October on record.
  • Monthly Snowfall: 1st snowiest March and 4th snowiest October on record. 

Temperature Banner   

Element Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
 Average High 37.3 34.3 46.6 52.2 63.4 80.6 92.3 88.5 79.9 63.3 39 33.2 59.2
 Mean High (1991-2020 Normals) 35.2 37.8 48.8 56.3 66.8 79.6 89 86.7 75.6 59.7 45.9 34.7 59.7
 Average Low 16.1 10.6 19.5 23.1 33.2 44.2 52.8 52.6 44.6 30.3 16.1 12.3 29.6
 Mean Low (1991-2020 Normals) 15 15.4 22.7 28.2 37.1 45.4 53 51.4 42.2 30.9 22 14.8 31.5
 Average Temperature 26.7 22.5 33 37.6 48.3 62.4 72.5 70.6 62.3 46.8 27.6 22.8 44.4
 Mean Average Temperature (1991-2020 Normals) 25.1 26.6 35.8 42.3 52 62.5 71 69 58.9 45.3 34 24.8 45.6
 Departure from Normal 1.6 -4.1 -2.8 -4.7 -3.7 -0.1 1.5 1.6 3.4 1.5 -6.4 -2 -1.2

 Rank: 83 years of record (P.O.R 12/1939-2022)

57 21 34 5 8 41 60 58 73 42 7 20 20
 Highest Daily Maximum 53 54 73 76 84 97 99 101 100 76 63 51 101
 Date of Occurrence 17 10 28 7 27 17 9,13 10 4 20 1,2 11 8/10
 Lowest Daily Minimum -12 -4 -25 7 22 33 43 43 32 15 -11 -42 -42
 Date of Occurrence 6 2,22 10 13 22 16 1 29 25 27 17 22 12/22
 Number of Days with: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec  
    Maximum >= 90° 0 0 0 0 0 6 23 12 7 0 0 0 48
    Maximum <= 32° 9 11 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 11 48
    Minimum <= 32° 30 28 26 28 16 0 0 0 1 22 29 30 210
    Minimum <= 0° 3 8 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 23
 Record High Temperatures Set or Tied 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 3 0 0 0 7
 Record Low Temperatures Set or Tied 0 1 3 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 11

Temperature Ranks and Records:

 Daily Records:

Record High Temperatures:


  March: 64 on the 2nd (tie).
  June: 97 on the 17th. 
  July: 99 on the 9th (tie).                  
  August: 101 on the 10th.
  September: 100 on the 4th (new monthly record high), 96 on the 6th (tie), and 96 on the 7th.

Record Low Temperatures:

  February: -14 on the 22nd.
  March:  -10 on the 7th, -22 on the 9th, and -25 on the 10th (new monthly record low).
   April: 7 on the 13th (tie)
   May: 22 on the 22nd and 26 on the 24th.
   June: 33 on the 16th.
   November: -11 on the 17th and -9 on the 18th.
   December: -43 on the 22nd (new monthly record low and All-Time low for the year)


Coldest Months of April on Record
Rank Year Average Temperature °F
1 1997 34.9
2 1945 34.9
3 1973 36.1
4 2013 36.3
5 2022 37.6
6 1975 37.7
7 1951 37.9
8 1983 38.0
9 1970 38.2
10 1968 38.3


   Coldest Months of May on Record
Rank Year Average Temperature °F
1 2019 46.1
2 1950 46.2
3 2010 46.5
4 1946 47.2
5 2011 47.6
6 1968 48.1
7 1943 48.2
8 2022/1995 48.3
10 1983 48.4


   Coldest Months of November on Record
Rank Year Average Temperature °F
1 1985 20.2
2 2000 21.2
3 1955 26.0
4 1947 26.1
5 1979 26.5
6 1978 26.9
7 2022 27.6
8 1940 27.8
9 1952 28.1
10 2014 28.6


   Warmest Months of September on Record
Rank Year Average Temperature °F
1 1998 64.7
2 2015 64.4
3 1940 64.3
4 1963 64.1
5 1969/1990/1952 63.2
6 1948 63.1
7 1994 62.8
8 1954 62.5
9 2022 62.3
10 1966 62.2


   Top Ten Warmest Years on Record
Rank Year Average Temperature °F
1 1994 49.1
2 2012 48.7
3 1954 48.3
4 1981 48.1
5 1992 48.0
6 1940, 1953, 1963 47.3
9 2015, 2006, 1999 47.1
64 2022 44.4


   Top Ten Coldest Years on Record
Rank Year Average Temperature °F
1 1985 42.5
2 1951 43.1
3 1978 43.2
4 1964 43.5
5 2019, 1975 43.6
6 2009, 1979, 1968, 1949 43.8
10 1971 43.9
20 2022 44.4


Click to enlarge Click to enlarge
 Average Annual Temperature for Period of Record - Click on Graph to Enlarge



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Precipitation Banner

Element Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
 Total (inches) 0.90 0.85 1.54 1.98 2.61 0.21 0.31 1.99 0.81 0.27 1.15 0.74 13.36
 Mean Precipitation
(1991-2020 Normals)
0.49 0.56 0.84 1.41 2.21 1.34 1.19 0.79 0.95 1.19 0.64 0.61 12.22
 Departure from Normal 0.41 0.29 0.7 0.57 0.4 -1.13 -0.88 1.2 -0.14 -0.92 0.51 0.13 1.14
 Percent of Normal 184 152 183 140 118 16 26 252 85 23 180 121 109

 Rank -
 83 years (P.O.R 12/1939-2022)

75 73 72 67 55 7 11 79 47 12 71 65 60
 Greatest 24-HR Total 0.44 0.26 0.53 0.99 1.2 0.2 0.88 1.06 0.33 0.18 0.32 0.38 1.2
 Dates of Occurrence 21 15-16 5-6 22-23 29-30 2-3 1 11-12 9 23 3 12-13


 Number of Days with:                          
    Precipitation >= 0.01 8 10 10 9 11 3 2 8 8 5 11 6 91
    Precipitation >= 0.10 2 3 6 7 7 1 1 6 2 1 4 3 43
    Precipitation >= 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Days with Thunderstorms 0 0 0 0 3 5 9 9 6 2 0 0 34
Daily Precipitation Records Set or Tied 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 5


















Precipitation Ranks and Records:


One Day Precipitation Records:

   January: 0.44" on the 21st.

   February: 0.25" on the 16th.

   April: 0.64" on the 23rd.

   August: 0.68 on the 11th.

   December: 0.37" on the 13th.



   Top Ten Driest June's on Record
Rank Year Precipitation (inches)
1 1956 0.03
2 1942 0.09
3 1980 0.10
4 1940/1971 0.17
5 1977 0.19
6 2022 0.21
7 1994 0.22
8 1988 0.28
9 2012 0.28



   Top Ten Driest July's on Record
Rank Year Precipitation (inches)
1 2020 0.02
2 1991 0.09
3 1971 0.11
4 2000 0.22
5 1999/2016 0.24
6 1955/1959 0.27
7 1989 0.28
8 1943 0.29
9 2022 0.31



   Top Ten Driest October's on Record
Rank Year Precipitation (inches)
1 1965 0
2 1958 0.02
3 1988 0.12
4 1953/2016 0.16
5 1992 0.22
6 1964 0.23
7 1940 0.24
8 1999 0.25
9 1945/1960/2022 0.27
10 1956 0.28


   Top Ten Wettest January's on Record
Rank Year Precipitation (inches)
1 1987 1.42
2 1949 1.36
3 1944 1.30
4 1984 1.19
5 2009 1.08
6 2016 0.99
7 1972 0.99
8 1996 0.94
9 2022 0.90
10 1962 0.85



   Top Ten Wettest February's on Record
Rank Year Precipitation (inches)
1 1987 1.42
2 1989 1.37
3 1955 1.01
4 1993/1953 1.00
5 1995 0.95
6 1986/1976 0.89
7 2012 0.88
8 2011 0.86
9 2022/1960 0.85
10 2020 0.82


   Top Ten Wettest August's on Record
Rank Year Precipitation (inches)
1 1941 2.79
2 1979 2.66
3 2007 2.57
4 2005 2.24
5 2022 1.99
6 1990 1.89
7 1987 1.80
8 2003 1.69
9 1972 1.52
10 2006 1.45


   Top Ten Driest Years on Record
Rank Year Precipitation (inches)
1 2020 5.79
2 1988 6.56
3 2001 6.76
4 2002 7.05
5 1960 7.34
6 1954 7.70
7 2012 7.88
8 1963 7.90
9 1966 8.14
10 1943 8.91
60 2022 13.36


   Top Ten Wettest Years on Record
Rank Year Precipitation (inches)
1 1982 20.48
2 1995 18.94
3 1983 18.41
4 1978 17.64
5 1941 16.24
6 1957 16.12
7 1986 15.92
8 1993 15.91
9 2009 15.77
10 2016 15.57
24 2022 13.36


Click to enlarge Click to enlarge
 Annual Precipitation for Period of Record - Click on Graph to Enlarge




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  Snow Banner

Element Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
 Total (inches) 14.9 13.3 20.7 18.5 0.7 0 0 0 0 0.10 17.8 14.7 100.7
 Mean Snowfall (1991-2020 Normals) 9 10.9 10.3 10.5 2.6 0.1 0 0 1.5 7 8.9 11 71.8
 Departure from Normal 5.9 2.4 10.4 8 -1.9 -0.1 0.0 0.0 -1.5 -6.9 8.9 3.7 28.9
 Percent of Normal 166 122 201 176 27 0 0 0 0 1 200 134 140
  Rank - Least to Most
 83 years (P.O.R 12/1939-2022)
73 63 72 68 37 72 NA NA 52 11 75 68 72
 Greatest 24-HR Total 7.7 4.4 6.1 6.8 0.5 0 0 0 0 0.1 4.4 9.2 9.2
 Dates of Occurrence 20-21 16 5 23 19 NA NA NA NA 24 17 13 12/13
 Number of Days with:                          
    Snowfall >= 1.0 inch 2 3 7 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 3 25
Daily Snowfall Records Set or Tied 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 7
* 50 months of September on record with no snowfall.












Snowfall Ranks and Records:

One Day Snowfall Records (inches):

   January:  6.8" on the 21st
   February: 4.1" on the 11th and 4.4" on the 16th
   March: 6.1" on the 5th
   April: 6.8" on the 23rd
   November: 4.4" on the 17th
   December: 9.2" on the 13th


   Snowiest Months of January on Record
Rank Year Snowfall (inches)
1 1949 39.3
2 1987 24.0
3 1980 22.1
4 1984 19.4
5 1972 19.2
6 1965 16.5
7 2009 16.4
8 1979 16.3
9 1996,1962 16.2
10 2022 14.9


   Snowiest Months of November on Record
Rank Year Snowfall (inches)
1 1983 37.1
2 1985 28.3
3 1947 25.8
4 1994 22.4
5 1956 19.9
6 1942 19.2
7 2019 18.8
8 1977 18.2
9 2022 17.8
10 1960 17.3


   Top Ten Snowiest Years on Record
Rank Year Snowfall (inches)
1 1982 137.6
2 1975 124.0
3 1984 121.2
4 1973 118.3
5 1983 114.2
6 1978 112.7
7 2021 108.1
8 2013 107.5
9 1955 103.3
10 1979 103.0
12 2022 100.7


Click to enlargeClick to enlarge Click to enlargeClick to enlarge  
 Annual and Seasonal Snowfall for Period of Record - Click on Graph to Enlarge




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Wind Banner

Element Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
 Average Speed (MPH) 16.8 15.4 12.7 11.9 10.6 10.3 8.8 7.7 9.2 10
 Maximum 3-sec Gust 60 53 48 69 57 64 52 52 64 50 64
 Direction 200 240 220 250 240 230 290 50 180 220 250
 Date of Occurrence 7 19 15 4 13 20 1 24 13 22 5 27 12/27
Number of Days with:  
2-Min Wind >50 mph 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Peak Wind >50 mph 6 1 0 5 2 6 2 2 2 1 5 4 36
Peak Wind >70 mph 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1








Learn more about the National Weather Service's efforts to build a Weather-Ready Nation!