National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

A significant impactful winter storm is on tap for Sunday into Monday. Snow will begin from SW to NE during the day Sunday. The worst of the storm from Sun Eve to Mon AM. Across the northern half of the area 1-3" per hour snowfall rates likely. In the southern half of the area expecting snow to mixed and change to sleet and freezing rain. Precipitation will end across the southern half of the area Mon AM while snow lingers across the north through Tue AM. Travel will be extremely difficult to nearly impossible across large portions of Eastern & Northern Maine from Sun afternoon into early Mon AM. Latest weather forecast at: Complete winter weather graphics suite:
A significant blowing & drifting snow event is likely for portions of Aroostook County & N. Penobscot County on Mon and Mon Eve with strong gusty westerly winds. Localized whiteouts with near zero visibility creating extremely dangerous driving conditions.

For Moderate/High/Extreme hazard risk, more detailed information will be provided via emailed briefings to core partners.

Coastal Flooding  ---  Fire  ---   Flooding    ---   Heat    ---   Thunderstorms ---   Tropical  ---   Winter



2 Day Total Snow Forecast

2 Day Total Snow Forecast

Shows forecasted snowfall accumulations for the first two days of the forecast.

Snowfall / Rainfall Reports

Probablistic Snow Guidance 

Probabilistic snow forecasts. Good for discerning uncertainty.

24 Hour Total Precipitation Forecast

24 Hour Total Precipitation Forecast

Shows forecasted precipitation for the first day of the forecast.

3 Day Total Precipitation Forecast

2.5 Day Total Precipitation Forecast

Shows forecasted precipitation for the first 2.5 days of the forecast.

Min Temp Day 1

Minimum Temperature Day 1

Shows forecasted minimum temperature for the first day of the forecast.

Min Temp Day 1

Minimum Temperature Day 2

Shows forecasted minimum temperature for the second day of the forecast.

3-Day Minimum Wind Chill Temperature


3-Day Minimum Wind Chill Temperature

Shows forecasted minimum wind chill temperatures for the first three days of the forecast.


Weather Type Graphics

Displays areas where mixed precipitation types are expected during winter weather events.

Radar Northeast US


WSR-88D Doppler Radar

Caribou ME
Northeast Sector

Hourly Weather Graph

Shows hourly forecast information for any location in Maine.

Latest Post-Storm Snowfall Graphics

Shows snowfall from the latest snowfall events across Maine.

Seasonal and Monthly Snowfall Maps

Monthly and Seasonal Snowfall Maps

Shows monthly and seasonal snowfall totals and departure from average.


Snow Analyses

U.S. Snow Monitoring

Snow Analyses


Radial/Line Ice Forecast Graphic

This graphic shows the expected radial or line ice forecast. Radial or line ice is the amount of ice that accumulates on a branch or powerline. If 1" accumulates on the top of a branch and 1/2" accumulates on the bottom, averaging the two gives 3/4" radial/line ice. This amount is the elevated flat surface ice accumulation multiplied by 0.394. NWS's traditional ice accumulation forecast is elevated flat surface, not the radial/line ice you see here. For more info, click here.